Probation Attorney: Why You Should Choose a Criminal Defense Attorney?

Alexandria Probation Attorney

Probation is an alternative to jail time for people who have committed non-violent crimes. In some cases, you may be offered probation without having to pay a fine. Usually, probation lasts for a limited amount of time, depending on the offense and the court’s assessment. A court can also revoke your probation at any time. Choosing the right Alexandria probation attorney is crucial. You don’t want to end up on the wrong side of the law.

While a pending criminal charge can be overwhelming, a skilled Alexandria lawyer can help you minimize your charges and avoid a costly and lengthy legal battle. Whether you have been charged with a serious crime or are in the early stages of a DUI, an Alexandria criminal defense lawyer can help you navigate the maze of the court system.

Getting a conviction for a misdemeanor is never fun, but a dedicated Alexandria lawyer can help you take the necessary steps to avoid the embarrassment of a criminal record. He or she can also assist you with fighting your charges and getting the best deal possible. For example, if you are facing charges of DUI in the metro area, an experienced Alexandria DUI lawyer can help you keep your record clean and your license intact.

Similarly, if you are awaiting a criminal trial, you may qualify for pretrial services. This service is an alternative to incarceration, and allows you to serve your time in a less stressful environment.

The Alexandria Community Criminal Justice Board (CCJB) oversees the local pretrial and community corrections programs. Among the board’s responsibilities are providing information on the state’s pretrial and court resources, as well as assisting in the initiation of pretrial services for offenders.

However, there is no replacement for a competent attorney when it comes to navigating the CCJB and Alexandria criminal court systems. Depending on the charge, you may be eligible for a plea bargain and reduced sentence, or you may be facing a lengthy prison sentence. If you are under federal investigation, an Alexandria lawyer can help you defend yourself against any potential federal charges.

Whether you are faced with a DUI, DWI, or another type of criminal charge, an Alexandria criminal defense attorney can provide the expertise and guidance you need to ensure your rights are protected. From representing you in court to preparing you for any future prosecutions, Alexandria lawyers have the experience to defend you against any type of charge.

The most common type of probation is called supervised. Under supervised probation, you must report to your probation officer on a regular basis, attend all scheduled meetings, and maintain good behavior. Applicants may be required to complete some form of community service, such as a volunteer program.

The biggest drawback to supervised probation is that you can’t move into a house or apartment without the permission of the court. An experienced Alexandria criminal lawyer can advise you on your options, and help you find a suitable housing option.